The following data sheets review the general information and common applications of the product, as well as the specific data for that particular foam material.
Conventional Foams
Poly Foam
Super Soft Foam
HD36-R Foam
HD36-HQ Foam
Lux-R Foam
Lux-HQ Foam
Super Lux Foam
Super Max Foam
Qualux Firm Foam
Specialty Bedding Foams
3LB ViscoSAVER Memory Foam
4LB ViscoPLUSH Memory Foam
5LB ViscoMAX Memory Foam
Dunlop Latex Foam
Packaging Foams
Charcoal Regular Foam
Charcoal Firm Foam
Pink Anti-Static Foam
Polyethylene Foam
Covering Fabrics
Specialty Foams
Acoustic Foam
Medical Foam
Dryfast Foam
Speaker / Filter Foam
Rebond Foam
Closed-Cell Foams
Polyethylene Foam
Polyethylene Foam Roll
Cross Linked Polyethylene Foam
Polystyrene Foam (EPS)
Neoprene High Quality
Neoprene 2045
Gym Rubber: Datasheet | Additional
EPDM Rubber
Minicel Type L
Minicel Type T
YoungBoard XLPE
Expanded Polypropylene
Expanded Polyethylene

The following MSDS are available upon request.
Please Contact Us if you would like us to mail or fax you a copy of the MSDS sheets for the following products:
MSDS for Foam Products
- Conventional, Acoustical, Packaging (open-cell), Memory and Automotive Foams
- Latex Foam
- Dryfast and Speaker / Filter Foams
- Polyethylene Foam
- Polyethylene Foam Rolls
- Cross Linked Polyethylene Foam
- Neoprene
- Polystyrene (EPS)
- Gym Rubber
- Volara
MSDS for Non-Foam Products
- Camie 373 Spray Adhesive
- 3M Super 77 Spray Adhesive
- Polyester Fiberfill (AKA Dacron)