Foam is a versatile material with many applications.
Foam is a versatile material with an unimaginable scope in terms of applications. From insulation in houses to seats on boats, there are few areas foam isn’t a viable option. Did you know foam has many fitness applications as well? If you are curious about how this material can help you live a healthier lifestyle, then this list of foam fitness alternatives is here to help. Find out how this material can help you tackle your fitness goals and live a healthier life overall in a few unique ways
Foam Roller for Muscle Tension
This is one of the most common uses of foam fitness alternatives. Foam rolling has taken off in recent years as one of the hottest trends in the fitness scene and for good reason. This act involves using a foam bolster and placing it under a certain part of the body as you essentially roll over it with a back and forth momentum. This act works out the muscles and loosens up the tension. There are a few ways to use a foam roller for muscle tension:

Pre-Workout or Run
Foam roller before a workout or a run helps to warm up key muscle groups. The general consensus is that you should never exercise or run on cold muscles because it leaves you more vulnerable to tears, strain, and potential injury. Foam rolling is an easy way to warm up muscles before you get active. Best of all, it can be used on just about any part of the body such as the back, arms, thighs, calves, and more.
Post-workout or run.
Another way to use a foam roller is after your workout or run. Certain muscles, particularly in the legs, are prone to being tighter than other muscles after a run or any workout where these tight muscles are used. While it is possible to have tight muscles in the arms or back, the legs suffer even more frequently because these muscles are the main ones used in activities such as running or biking. Foam rolling works well when targeting both large and small muscles to loosen them up after activity. The great thing about a foam roller is you can choose where to focus your efforts such as the legs after a long run or the arms after lifting weights.
Foam Roller for Exercise
While most people think of foam rolling as either a warm-up or post-workout activity, it can also be used as a means to exercise. There are certain foam rolling exercises you can use as a means to tighten up your core or abs while rolling. Foam rolling exercises come in a range of options and executions so you can work on control, breathing, and even flexibility all while working out tension in the main muscle groups. Foam rolling also burns calories as you move and work the muscles so it is still considered a form of exercise even if you use it more for relaxation than training.
Foam Block
When looking at foam fitness alternatives, you may be surprised to find this material is useful for yoga. Yoga is an old tradition that has solidified its place in our ever-hectic modern world. We all need a little stress relief in our lives and yoga helps with relieving stress, improving flexibility, and may even help you sleep better. Many yoga fans use foam blocks during their yoga routine. Foam blocks serve a few purposes in the practice of yoga. For starters, this foam solution can be used to lend stability when learning a new move as you learn better control or work on attaining the new level of flexibility. Foam blocks can also be used in certain yoga poses as extra support for doing modified poses based on limited range of motion for those with disabilities or injuries.
Foam Yoga Mat
Speaking of yoga, it should come as no surprise that foam is a great solution for a yoga mat. Foam offers support and cushioning without interfering with movement or control for the yoga enthusiast. Best of all, certain foams are antimicrobial and quick drying so you won’t have to worry about germs gathering on your mat after a hot yoga session. In addition, memory foam can even be used for a yoga mat for those in need of a little extra cushioning and support. Whether you prefer regular foam or memory foam, this is one use for this material that is definitely fitness-minded.
Foam Body Supports
Foam can also be used in the form of foam body supports when resting to help you live a healthier life. How does this relate to achieving your fitness goals? For starters, body support pillows utilizing foam can help with relieving joint pressure and promote proper circulation to important areas. This will in turn help you to perform better during your fitness activities. These foam body supports are also handy if you suffer any injuries from your favorite form of exercise. While you should always consult your physician following an injury, providing support and cushioning to the injured area may alleviate some strain or discomfort. Foam body supports can be used in areas such as the arms, legs, back, and neck.
Foam Whole Body Pillows
While you may not think of foam body pillows as something capable of impacting your overall fitness, this is definitely a more unique foam product worth considering. Similar to the foam body support blocks, this type of pillow is especially useful after a long, strenuous workout or a hard run to relieve pressure on joints. Another benefit is that it could help you sleep better overall! We all know how important sleep is in living an active, healthy life and meeting your fitness goals.
Whether you use foam in the form of a yoga mat, a roller, or a pillow, it is easy to see how this material can impact your fitness routine in a few healthy ways. Foam is one of the most versatile materials offering a range of unique qualities. It is also long-lasting so you can add foam to your fitness routine at a great value over time!
Posted in Health and Fitness, Other Products
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